Saturday, May 5, 2012

Friday, May 4th: Mommy catches up on sleep

I woke up this morning feeling a bit under the weather. Ian and I were concerned that being at the hospital while I felt crummy wasn't the best idea, so we stayed for rounds and went back home. I'm concerned that since my hemoglobin was still rather low when I left the hospital, that I'm not getting enough iron. I'm taking iron  2 times a day, but symptomatically, it makes sense. I have my follow-up appointment with my doctor on Monday, so hopefully some answers are given!

During rounds, we learned that Finn is gaining weight slowly, his head sonogram came back completely normal (NO BRAIN BLEEDS! yay!), he has about 2 days left of his TPN IV, so if he keeps his peripheral IV in, they won't have to stick him again! The only downside is that we haven't really been able to Kangaroo with him. We're more than welcome to, but the nurses said that most IVs fall out during Kangarooing. He only has to a day and a half left before his IV is taken out, so it's probably a good idea to not let that happen! I sense Ian and I will have a little bit of a duel when it comes to who gets to Kangaroo with him on Sunday!

This afternoon, Ian and I had a great afternoon of just relaxing. It's kind of unreal how much we've bonded during this experience. I'm blown away by everything he has done and continues to do for Finnegan and myself.  I only hope I can get strong enough and recover quickly so I can do the same for him.

I slept most of the evening, waking up only to pump, drink water, go to the bathroom, and eat. After waking up from one of my "naps," I realized that Ian had left to go back to the hospital, and I was alone. I had a little freak out before I calmed down. It was one of the first times I had actually been alone since before Finn was born. I spent the rest of the night playing Draw Something (thanks for getting me hooked, Ian) before I fell asleep.

*Ian - We actually talked about when I would be leaving throughout the day, and she was awake when  I kissed her as I was leaving. It wasn't a surprise, but she's been through a lot, so remembering it all is probably pretty fuzzy.

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